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Medical Care


Before beginning any exercise program, be sure to get clearance from you doctor.

Taking Charge of Your Health.
The structure of health care today requires an informed, proactive patient. Even the most conscientious doctors won’t remember to follow us on everything. You have to remind them. And they won’t remember to ask you every screening question. You have to ask them. Don’t feel like you are being a pest, a good doctor will be happy to help you take charge of your health care. After all, your doctor works for you, not the other way around.

Start with your genetics; predispositions that run in your family.
Ask your doctor to screen for them. Next, screen for the problems that affect us as we age like heart disease, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and cancer. Always ask for a copy of every test. Keep a copy of all your health records.

Regular exercise is one of the things you can do to take charge of your health and longevity. Exercise is good for mind and body.

Here are some Total Body Exercise solutions. Click individual pictures to learn about each.

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